February 16, 2025

Many people enjoy venturing into casinos and playing their favorite casino games. The twinkling lights, delicious food, and the overall excitement of gambling are all designed to make customers feel good. These positive emotions can help alleviate negative feelings, such as stress and anxiety. However, there are some things you should be aware of before you play in a casino.

In a movie like Casino, where greed and corruption are central themes, there is no space for heroes or heroines. Even the “good guys” are mired in avarice, treachery, and violence, and when they get their comeuppance, you’re left feeling sorry for them. But the movie’s best performance comes from Sharon Stone as Ginger, a sexy, ruthless “street smart” hustler who exults in her ability to seduce and control men (“a good woman can keep a man awake for two or three days”).

Scorsese’s refusal to draw a line between depiction and endorsement is evident in the film’s truly hellacious violence, including a torture-by-vice sequence that features a popped eyeball and a brutally edited baseball bat beating (both scenes were trimmed for an NC-17 rating). The movie is also notorious for its use of sex, simulated orgies, and drug use — arguably the most graphic and disturbing of any casino-themed flick.

Casinos are often perfect venues for events and group business, and should be promoting this in their marketing. With services like Cvent’s Competitive Market Ads, a casino can target event planners looking for venues with specific attributes that are important to them. These could include an expansive gaming selection, luxurious hotels, cutting-edge technology, flexible event and entertainment spaces, or award-winning restaurants.